Saturday, June 1, 2013



Erle Frayne D. Argonza / Ra

Deferring for the moment any discussion of these tales, we may turn to a third group of myths, i. e. those of the Battak of Sumatra. The Toba Battak (who of all the Battak tribes are probably the least influenced by Muhammadan or Indian culture) account for the origin of things as follows. Mula Dyadi, the highest deity, dwelt in the uppermost of the seven heavens and had two birds as his servants. Having created three male beings, he caused a tree to exist in one of the lower heavens, its branches reaching to the sky; next he made a hen, which perched on the tree and later laid three eggs, from which came three maidens whom Mula Dyadi gave as wives to his three sons. The daughter of one of these sons refused to marry a cousin of hers because he had a face like a lizard and a skin like a chameleon, and devoted her time to spinning. One day she dropped her spindle, which fell down from the sky-world. On the thread so unrolled she then descended to the surface of the sea which stretched everywhere below. In this primeval ocean swam or lay a great serpent on whose head the heavenly maiden spread a handful of earth brought down at her request from Mula Dyadi by one of his bird servants; and thus she formed the world. The serpent, however, disliked the weight upon his head, and turning over, caused this newly made world to be engulfed by the sea. Thereupon Mula Dyadi created eight suns, whose heat should dry up the sea, and this being done in part, the divine maiden thrust a sword into the body of the serpent, revealed by the shrinking sea, and fastened his body firmly in an island block that he might never again thus destroy the world. With more soil she then re-founded the earth; but after this, having questioned her as to what was to be done with the youth whom she refused as husband, Mula Dyadi declared that she now must marry him, and wrapping the unwelcome suitor together with a blowgun in a mat, he threw him down upon the earth. Unharmed by his fall, and feeling hungry, he shot at a dove which escaped unwounded, but caught the arrow dexterously and flew with it to the village where the heavenly maiden dwelt. Following in pursuit, the youth discovered the girl who had before refused him, found her more tractable, and married her; and so they became the ancestors of mankind.
‘7 heavens’ signify the 7 subplanes of the heaven-worlds or devachan.  Four (4) of the subplanes are in the 3rd plane (mental plane) while three (3) are in the 4th plane (higher mental or causal plane). The 4th plane is dimension of the arupa or formless, though already a material plane; 3rd plane, the beginning of the rupa (form) dimensions. Rupa moves down to the physical plane.  
At that level, certain beings called the Elohistic Forces or elohim could have been niched to aid in the materialization of forms, the same forms thus used as subtle bodies as vehicles for souls in descent phases of devolution. They are collective referred to as Mula Dyadi in the myth, the term Dyadi thus resonating with a similar term Dhyani  (angels, devata) in southern Asia. Mula contains the morphemes MU LA. In Tagalog, mula means ‘from’, which is referent for ‘source’.
The birthing of Twinflame souls, which signifies the Law of Duality as applied to soul division, was also revealed. The devolution goes on to show that the early humans were ‘egg-born’ or hermaphroditic, as per Theos Sophia discourse, was the fact till the mid-Lemurian racial families.
The devolution phase goes on, revealing the intervention of the reptilians and their role in the rapid descent or Fall of mankind. The ‘war in the heavens’ was suggested in the conflict between the maiden (signifying mankind with aid of Divine Forces) and the serpent (signifying the reptilian species of Draco and Orion).
In the final phase of the myth, the maiden (early Terran) was married to the hybrid reptilian-human, the marriage thus beginning the long lines of next sub-races of humans on Earth.
[Philippines, 20 June 2011]  




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