Monday, May 20, 2013


Erle Frayne D. Argonza / Ra

This more wide-spread class assumes the existence of a sky-world or upper realm, and of a primeval sea below it in which or on which the world is made. We may begin with the out-line of a myth 'told in Minahassa which is a variant off the one just given. According to this form, in the beginning there were only the sea and a great rock which was washed by the waves, and which, after first giving birth to a crane, sweated, from the sweat being produced a female deity called Lumimu-ut. Advised by the crane of the existence of the "original land," she got from thence two handfuls of earth which she spread upon the rock, and so she created the world, on which she planted the seeds of all plants and trees, obtaining them from the same "original land." 10 Having thus made the earth, Lumimu-ut ascended a mountain, where the west wind blew upon her and made her fruitful. In due time she bore a son, and when he had grown to manhood his mother advised him to seek a wife, but though he sought far and wide, he could find none. So Lumirnu-ut gave him a staff, whose length was equal to her own stature, bidding him to seek for a woman who should be less tall than the staff, and telling him that when he should find such a person he would know that she was the one he was destined to marry. Mother and son then separated, one going to the right and one to the left, and travelled around the whole world until at last they met again, without recognizing each other, and lo! when he set the staff beside her, its length was greater than her stature, for without his knowledge the rod had increased in height. Believing, therefore, that the woman, who was indeed his own mother, was she of whom he had been told, he married her, and she bore him many children who became gods. This form of myth does not, indeed, directly refer to the sky-world, but speaks of the "original land" from which Lumimu-ut obtained earth and seeds for the construction of the world. It is interesting to compare the incident of the birth of Lumimu-ut from the rock, which alone broke the surface of the primeval sea, with the Tongan and Samoan 12 myths of the origin of the first beings and of the world from a stone which split open; and a similar idea also occurs in Melanesia. Perhaps more characteristic of this type of origin-myths are the legends of the Kayan, Kenyah, and Bahau of central Borneo. According to the Kayan, originally there was nothing but the primeval sea and over-arching sky; but from the heavens there fell into the sea a great rock, upon whose barren surface, in course of time, slime collected, from which were bred worms that bored into the rock. The sand produced by this boring collected, eventually covering the rock with soil, and after many years there fell from the sun upon this land the wooden handle of a sword which, taking root, grew into a great tree; while from the moon fell a vine which clung to the tree and rooted itself in the rock. From this mating of the tree and vine were born two beings, a boy and a girl, who wedded in their turn and became the ancestors of the Kayan 15 Another version 16 varies somewhat in its details. In the beginning a spider descended from the sky 17 and spun a web, into which fell a tiny stone that grew and grew until it filled all the space under the horizon. A lichen fell from heaven upon this rock, to which it adhered, and then came a worm, from whose excrement the first soil was formed. This covering of earth gradually spread over all the rock; and next there fell upon the ground so made a tree, which at first was tiny in size, but which took root and grew great. A crab now dropped down to the earth and with its claws dug and scratched in the ground, thus forming the mountains and valleys. Plants grew upon the earth, and a vine, winding itself about the tree, mated with it. Finally, two beings, one male and one female, descended from heaven upon the tree, the male dropping a sword-handle and the female a spindle. Mating, these objects bore a child which had only head and body, but no arms or legs; and this monster in its turn produced two children, a boy and girl, who united and gave birth to offspring, which from generation to generation became more and more human in form until finally they were wholly so. These and their descendants then became deities of various sorts."

The ‘sea’ or astral plane (2nd plane, governed by water element) and ‘rock’ or physical plane (1st plane, governed by earth element), were shown to be ready for life-form evolution. The ‘crane’ has a double meaning: Desire, symbolized by the bird (also symbolic of the Phallus), and Father-God or One Universal Principle the creator of all life in the objective and subjective domains.

The coming of Limimu-ut times with the presence of the crane. The astral element is center of desire/feelings/emotion, which means then that the ‘crane’ was or Desire/astral body was pre-requisite for breeding humans in the 1st plane.

Limimu-ut can be further segregated to form the morphemes LI MI MU UT. By so doing, you can already see the term MU embedded in the revered lady deity. Limimu-ut signifies both the supercontinent of MU and the Lady deity who sponsored its making as preparatory to the breeding and growth of the peoples of Mu.

Mu/Limumu-ut breeding a son refers to the evolution of the asexual or hermaphroditic subraces of Mu. The son looking for a woman signifies the coming of the sexes, and the titillating notion of Twinflame soulmates coming to find each other in the newly sexed humans—of the mid-Lemurian ‘root-race’.
The equivalent myths in Borneo reveal the same, though with variant versions. Notice the archetypes given, which makes the narratives very amusing to observe and challenging to interpret. The descent of the rock from the sky in the Kayan myth, for instance, reveals the descent of the five (5) cosmic elements of ether, fire, air, water, and earth elements in that chronological order.

The notion of Twinflame mates is also very cleverly embedded in the anthropogenetic myths. Such a revelation is also found in the Philippine anthropogenesis tales such as the story of Malakas & Maganda, or Strong & Beauty, who emerged together from inside a piece of bamboo (bamboo signifies the DNA strands).  

[Philippines, 20 June 2011]




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