Saturday, January 3, 2015


Erle Frayne Argonza / Ra

War is the namesake of the islands

A Dantean discernment will not
Permit one to argue that
The archipelago
Is a paradise
Lost or regained

Of the islands’ fetid state
Excrement and humans sanctimoniously fuse
They cajole in ecstatic screams
Over killings and bombings
Gore is everyday’s luscious panorama

We’re brought back to Rome
Where jubilant crowds satiate themselves
With sights of bloody gladiators
In combat

Brought back to Jesus’ Jerusalem still
Since everyone wants to play
Guiltless of motives behind
In hinterlands
In cities

Is gore the imprimatur of honor indeed?
Just like blood is eaten as delicacy?
[Writ. 29 May 91, Cubao, Quezon City, M.Manila]

I wish that everyone will agree with me that war is the natural condition of things in the planet. We’ve had insurgencies in my own beloved Philippines since the years before my birth yet, 2012 nears and the Left + Muslim separatist insurgencies are still around.
There are certain ecological conditions that sustain polarity games, and such conditions could be unique to any country or society. Any seeker must painstakingly know them, so as to facilitate the adjustment of the subtle bodies given the polarity-inducing conditions in the country of residence.
Take the case of the Philippines, where both water and fire elements are co-dominant. Located in the “ring of fire” and surrounded by bodies of water, the Philippines finds both water and fire permeating deep into the collective mind and individual psyche of the Filipinos. The perpetual clash of water and fire has been responsible for very long insurgencies and warring attitudes of the islanders.
Some mystics who embodied as Filipinos, eventually gave up their citizenships and relocated to other countries. They have grown tired of the ceaseless wars and civil disobedience, as well as the ceaseless warlordism and patronage politics of the stone age. I do not fault them one iota, for their subtle bodies may find it harmful to linger on given the elemental cum polarity conditions here.
So let it be that you as seeker or mystic would stumble upon the peculiar polarity condition in your place. Go ahead and decide to move elsewhere in a place suited for you, for as long as you continue to grow and share the Light of Almighty Providence to those who are in need.
April 2011

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