Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Erle Frayne Argonza / Ra

In times when mind’s soaked
in an intoxicating concoction
of rage and fiery resentment
ought not battle against pitfalls

that are really no pitfalls
when gauged against virtues
that they unintendedly unlock

for such virtues are ever present
in the labyrinth of pursuits
awaiting to float to the surface
of riverine Existence

no matter how inconspicuous these are;
they are stars that are forever
habituating the firmaments
in grandiose beauty,

despite dark clouds
despite dark clouds

[Writ. 02 June 1988, Proj. 8, Quezon City, M.Manila.]

I was still a young man when I wrote this piece, and was turning 30. It was a difficult time of transition, though I was already soaked in the vibrations of the Higher Mysteries at that time. The wisdom of recognizing pitfalls as springboard base from which to build virtues was already as clear as transparent water for me by then.
I share the message to all enthused seekers and devotees of the Ascended Masters to welcome pitfalls that occur in their sojourns. Refrain from self-pitying when they come, welcome them as they are part of your molding in the Spirit, regard them as challengers that forge you into a far stronger Being than before.
March 2011

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