Saturday, August 27, 2011



Erle Frayne D. Argonza / Ra

The complexities of the phenomena of reincarnation and karma were well articulated by Theos Sophia. Karma and reincarnation are two universal principles that go together, and we can’t think of reincarnation without the cosmic law of retribution or karma to define the broad compass of that rebirth.

For this note, let us focus on reincarnation. In ancient myths and legends, ancient symbology, the phoenix symbolized the phenomenon of rebirth. The mythic bird, so beautiful and awesome, lives to a very long life, then burns itself, and then gets reborn in the process. It lives forever.

Another related symbol or signifier is that of the ‘lion’s paw’. Among the favorite symbols in freemasonry, the lion’s paw signifies resurrection. Any person who has been transmuted, upon liberation, into an exquisite divine being, is as good a resurrected person who will be deathless thereafter.

Below is an excerpt from the book The Key to Theosophy by H.P.Blavatsky about the subject of reincarnation.

ENQUIRER. You mean, then, that we have all lived on earth before, in many past incarnations, and shall go on so living?

THEOSOPHIST. I do. The life-cycle, or rather the cycle of conscious life, begins with the separation of the mortal animal-man into sexes, and will end with the close of the last generation of men, in the seventh round and seventh race of mankind. Considering we are only in the fourth round and fifth race, its duration is more easily imagined than expressed.

ENQUIRER. And we keep on incarnating in new personalities all the time?

THEOSOPHIST. Most assuredly so; because this life-cycle or period of incarnation may be best compared to human life. As each such life is composed of days of activity separated by nights of sleep or of inaction, so, in the incarnation-cycle, an active life is followed by a Devachanic rest.

ENQUIRER. And it is this succession of births that is generally defined as re-incarnation?

THEOSOPHIST. Just so. It is only through these births that the perpetual progress of the countless millions of Egos toward final perfection and final rest (as long as was the period of activity) can be achieved.

ENQUIRER. And what is it that regulates the duration, or special qualities of these incarnations?

THEOSOPHIST. Karma, the universal law of retributive justice.

ENQUIRER. Is it an intelligent law?

THEOSOPHIST. For the Materialist, who calls the law of periodicity which regulates the marshalling of the several bodies, and all the other laws in nature, blind forces and mechanical laws, no doubt Karma would be a law of chance and no more. For us, no adjective or qualification could describe that which is impersonal and no entity, but a universal operative law. If you question me about the causative intelligence in it, I must answer you I do not know. But if you ask me to define its effects and tell you what these are in our belief, I may say that the experience of thousands of ages has shown us that they are absolute and unerring equity, wisdom, and intelligence. For Karma in its effects is an unfailing redresser of human injustice, and of all the failures of nature; a stern adjuster of wrongs; a retributive law which rewards and punishes with equal impartiality. It is, in the strictest sense, "no respecter of persons," though, on the other hand, it can neither be propitiated, nor turned aside by prayer. This is a belief common to Hindus and Buddhists, who both believe in Karma.

ENQUIRER. In this Christian dogmas contradict both, and I doubt whether any Christian will accept the teaching.

THEOSOPHIST. No; and Inman gave the reason for it many years ago. As he puts it, while "the Christians will accept any nonsense, if promulgated by the Church as a matter of faith . . . the Buddhists hold that nothing which is contradicted by sound reason can be a true doctrine of Buddha." They do not believe in any pardon for their sins, except after an adequate and just punishment for each evil deed or thought in a future incarnation, and a proportionate compensation to the parties injured.

ENQUIRER. Where is it so stated?

THEOSOPHIST. In most of their sacred works. In the "Wheel of the Law" (p. 57) you may find the following Theosophical tenet: -"Buddhists believe that every act, word or thought has its consequence, which will appear sooner or later in the present or in the future state. Evil acts will produce evil consequences, good acts will produce good consequences: prosperity in this world, or birth in heaven (Devachan). . . in the future state."

ENQUIRER. Christians believe the same thing, don't they?

THEOSOPHIST. Oh, no; they believe in the pardon and the remission of all sins. They are promised that if they only believe in the blood of Christ (an innocent victim!), in the blood offered by Him for the expiation of the sins of the whole of mankind, it will atone for every mortal sin. And we believe neither in vicarious atonement, nor in the possibility of the remission of the smallest sin by any god, not even by a "personal Absolute" or "Infinite," if such a thing could have any existence. What we believe in, is strict and impartial justice. Our idea of the unknown Universal Deity, represented by Karma, is that it is a Power which cannot fail, and can, therefore, have neither wrath nor mercy, only absolute Equity, which leaves every cause, great or small, to work out its inevitable effects. The saying of Jesus: "With what measure you mete it shall be measured to you again" (Matth. vii., 2), neither by expression nor implication points to any hope of future mercy or salvation by proxy. This is why, recognising as we do in our philosophy the justice of this statement, we cannot recommend too strongly mercy, charity, and forgiveness of mutual offences. Resist not evil, and render good for evil, are Buddhist precepts, and were first preached in view of the implacability of Karmic law. For man to take the law into his own hands is anyhow a sacrilegious presumption. Human Law may use restrictive not punitive measures; but a man who, believing in Karma, still revenges himself and refuses to forgive every injury, thereby rendering good for evil, is a criminal and only hurts himself. As Karma is sure to punish the man who wronged him, by seeking to inflict an additional punishment on his enemy, he, who instead of leaving that punishment to the great Law adds to it his own mite, only begets thereby a cause for the future reward of his own enemy and a future punishment for himself. The unfailing Regulator affects in each incarnation the quality of its successor; and the sum of the merit or demerit in preceding ones determines it.

ENQUIRER. Are we then to infer a man's past from his present?

THEOSOPHIST. Only so far as to believe that his present life is what it justly should be, to atone for the sins of the past life. Of course -- seers and great adepts excepted -- we cannot as average mortals know what those sins were. From our paucity of data, it is impossible for us even to determine what an old man's youth must have been; neither can we, for like reasons, draw final conclusions merely from what we see in the life of some man, as to what his past life may have been.

[Philippines, 30 May 2011]


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Thursday, August 25, 2011



Erle Frayne D. Argonza / Ra

From negative elementals to negative humans, we cannot escape observing the attributes of negativity. We associate ‘negative’ to those manifest thought, feelings, and actions that are antisocial, hostile, sociopathic. We experience being with negative persons and we feel the dense energies resonating from them even if they don’t talk to us at all.

Such behavior, if persistent and recurring to the extent that it dominates one’s behavior totality or psyche (personality), constitutes the ‘demonic’ among humans. Among elementals or nature beings (devic world) they have their equivalents of negative beings whom ancient ones termed as asura.

What then happens to a negative person upon death? Do they go to ‘hell’? Is hell the same as the kama loka of the ancient Indians? What about Hades, is that a place (location) or a subjectivity, or is it highly destructive energy?

When a person persists on doing crimes incarnation after incarnation, this is what we get from Theos Sophia about their fate: their silver cord will be cut off in the long run, thus undercutting their lower selves or ‘ego’ from the imperishable atma-buddhi-manas upper triad. The cut-off ego will drift in the dense sphere of lower astral dimension and will eventually disintegrate.

Let us note the following quotation from the book The Key to Theosophy by H.P.Blavatsky regarding the subject.


ENQUIRER. You spoke of Kama-loka, what is it?

THEOSOPHIST. When the man dies, his lower three principles leave him for ever; i. e., body, life, and the vehicle of the latter, the astral body or the double of the living man. And then, his four principles -- the central or middle principle, the animal soul or Kama-rupa, with what it has assimilated from the lower Manas, and the higher triad find themselves in Kama-loka. The latter is an astral locality, the limbus of scholastic theology, the Hades of the ancients, and, strictly speaking, a locality only in a relative sense. It has neither a definite area nor boundary, but exists within subjective space; i. e., is beyond our sensuous perceptions. Still it exists, and it is there that the astral eidolons of all the beings that have lived, animals included, await their second death. For the animals it comes with the disintegration and the entire fading out of their astral particles to the last. For the human eidolon it begins when the Atma-Buddhi-Manasic triad is said to "separate" itself from its lower principles, or the reflection of the ex-personality, by falling into the Devachanic state.

ENQUIRER. And what happens after this?

THEOSOPHIST. Then the Kama-rupic phantom, remaining bereft of its informing thinking principle, the higher Manas, and the lower aspect of the latter, the animal intelligence, no longer receiving light from the higher mind, and no longer having a physical brain to work through, collapses.

ENQUIRER. In what way?

THEOSOPHIST. Well, it falls into the state of the frog when certain portions of its brain are taken out by the vivisector. It can think no more, even on the lowest animal plane. Henceforth it is no longer even the lower Manas, since this "lower" is nothing without the "higher."

ENQUIRER. And is it this nonentity which we find materializing in Seance rooms with Mediums?

THEOSOPHIST. It is this nonentity. A true nonentity, however, only as to reasoning or cogitating powers, still an Entity, however astral and fluidic, as shown in certain cases when, having been magnetically and unconsciously drawn toward a medium, it is revived for a time and lives in him by proxy, so to speak. This "spook," or the Kama-rupa, may be compared with the jelly-fish, which has an ethereal gelatinous appearance so long as it is in its own element, or water (the medium's specific AURA), but which, no sooner is it thrown out of it, than it dissolves in the hand or on the sand, especially in sunlight. In the medium's Aura, it lives a kind of vicarious life and reasons and speaks either through the medium's brain or those of other persons present. But this would lead us too far, and upon other people's grounds, whereon I have no desire to trespass. Let us keep to the subject of reincarnation.

ENQUIRER. What of the latter? How long does the incarnating Ego remain in the Devachanic state?

THEOSOPHIST. This, we are taught, depends on the degree of spirituality and the merit or demerit of the last incarnation. The average time is from ten to fifteen centuries, as I already told you.

ENQUIRER. But why could not this Ego manifest and communicate with mortals as Spiritualists will have it? What is there to prevent a mother from communicating with the children she left on earth, a husband with his wife, and so on? It is a most consoling belief, I must confess; nor do I wonder that those who believe in it are so averse to give it up.

THEOSOPHIST. Nor are they forced to, unless they happen to prefer truth to fiction, however "consoling." Uncongenial our doctrines may be to Spiritualists; yet, nothing of what we believe in and teach is half as selfish and cruel as what they preach.

ENQUIRER. I do not understand you. What is selfish?

THEOSOPHIST. Their doctrine of the return of Spirits, the real "personalities" as they say; and I will tell you why. If Devachan -- call it "paradise" if you like, a "place of bliss and of supreme felicity," if it is anything -- is such a place (or say state), logic tells us that no sorrow or even a shade of pain can be experienced therein. "God shall wipe away all the tears from the eyes" of those in paradise, we read in the book of many promises. And if the "Spirits of the dead" are enabled to return and see all that is going on on earth, and especially in their homes, what kind of bliss can be in store for them?

[Philippines, 29 May 2011]


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Sunday, August 21, 2011



Erle Frayne D. Argonza / Ra

Magandang gabi! Good evening!

In previous notes this White Robe from Filipinas already explained the subject of 7 Planes or dimensions of reality. Having been taught Theos Sophia or divine wisdom by the masters (it was El Morya who began to guide me at age 18, assisted by Master Jacob & Seraphim Master), I have used the frames of spiritual science as reference when I began to do my missions to young ones in the 1980s yet.

The question we raise here is: could the Earth possibly comprise of other planes as well? For those who are accustomed to recalling their dreams upon waking up, they know fully well that they’ve just been to the dream world and dreamt of this and that content or theme.

Being an Adept of the Brotherhood, I can testify to the existence of other planes or dimensions of the Earth. By dint of the same experience, I can testify to the existence of other planets that revolve around the sun as well, though these are invisible to the eyes. Theos Sophia in fact revealed 30 planets that revolve around the sun, most planets being invisible to the biophysical eyes.

In answer to the main query, let us note the following quotation from Helena P. Blavatsky’s The Key to Theosophy.


ENQUIRER. I understand that you describe our earth as forming part of a chain of earths?

THEOSOPHIST. We do. But the other six "earths" or globes, are not on the same plane of objectivity as our earth is; therefore we cannot see them.

ENQUIRER. Is that on account of the great distance?

THEOSOPHIST. Not at all, for we see with our naked eye planets and even stars at immeasurably greater distances; but it is owing to those six globes being outside our physical means of perception, or plane of being. It is not only that their material density, weight, or fabric are entirely different from those of our earth and the other known planets; but they are (to us) on an entirely different layer of space, so to speak; a layer not to be perceived or felt by our physical senses. And when I say "layer," please do not allow your fancy to suggest to you layers like strata or beds laid one over the other, for this would only lead to another absurd misconception. What I mean by "layer" is that plane of infinite space which by its nature cannot fall under our ordinary waking perceptions, whether mental or physical; but which exists in nature outside of our normal mentality or consciousness, outside of our three dimensional space, and outside of our division of time. Each of the seven fundamental planes (or layers) in space -- of course as a whole, as the pure space of Locke's definition, not as our finite space -- has its own objectivity and subjectivity, its own space and time, its own consciousness and set of senses. But all this will be hardly comprehensible to one trained in the modern ways of thought.

ENQUIRER. What do you mean by a different set of senses? Is there anything on our human plane that you could bring as an illustration of what you say, just to give a clearer idea of what you may mean by this variety of senses, spaces, and respective perceptions?

THEOSOPHIST. None; except, perhaps, that which for Science would be rather a handy peg on which to hang a counter-argument. We have a different set of senses in dream-life, have we not? We feel, talk, hear, see, taste and function in general on a different plane; the change of state of our consciousness being evidenced by the fact that a series of acts and events embracing years, as we think, pass ideally through our mind in one instant. Well, that extreme rapidity of our mental operations in dreams, and the perfect naturalness, for the time being, of all the other functions, show us that we are on quite another plane. Our philosophy teaches us that, as there are seven fundamental forces in nature, and seven planes of being, so there are seven states of consciousness in which man can live, think, remember and have his being. To enumerate these here is impossible, and for this one has to turn to the study of Eastern metaphysics. But in these two states -- the waking and the dreaming -- every ordinary mortal, from a learned philosopher down to a poor untutored savage, has a good proof that such states differ.

ENQUIRER. You do not accept, then, the well-known explanations of biology and physiology to account for the dream state?

THEOSOPHIST. We do not. We reject even the hypotheses of your psychologists, preferring the teachings of Eastern Wisdom. Believing in seven planes of Kosmic being and states of Consciousness, with regard to the Universe or the Macrocosm, we stop at the fourth plane, finding it impossible to go with any degree of certainty beyond. But with respect to the Microcosm, or man, we speculate freely on his seven states and principles.

ENQUIRER. How do you explain these?

THEOSOPHIST. We find, first of all, two distinct beings in man; the spiritual and the physical, the man who thinks, and the man who records as much of these thoughts as he is able to assimilate. Therefore we divide him into two distinct natures; the upper or the spiritual being, composed of three "principles" or aspects; and the lower or the physical quaternary, composed of four -- in all seven.

[Philippines, 29 May 2011]


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Sunday, August 14, 2011



Erle Frayne D. Argonza / Ra

Whether creation is the endearing criterion for the ceaseless process of becoming in Kosmos is subject of debate. Theos Sophia or divine wisdom, the body of spiritual knowledge and truth mandated by the spiritual Hierarchy to be released to the broad public at the close of the 19th century, has an alternative viewpoint to offer regarding the subject.

The One Universal Principle—omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent, God as the folks sayeth, is no personal, anthropomorphic being that we chose to look like. The Spirit-Force from which we were projections or emanations—“creations” as the devotee folks choose to call it—doesn’t sleep at all. So during the ‘day of Brahma’ when the manvantara (cycle of lifewave) begins with the outbreath of the Almighty, Kosmos and subjective worlds (inclusive of beings) emanate from the Spirit-Force, each entity then subject to the universal laws emanating from the same.

God does not create, and there is no such thing as a personal God. These truths were resonated by the mahatmas and their chelas time and again, though indeed such lines are hard to accept by devotees who are used to mechanistic thoughts about the Spirit-Force and the realms of living. That God ‘creates’ is the product of finite mortal minds who equated the evolution process to creation.

Below is the quotation from a section of the book The Key to Theosophy by Helena P. Blavatsky.


ENQUIRER. But who is it that creates each time the Universe?

THEOSOPHIST. No one creates it. Science would call the process evolution; the pre-Christian philosophers and the Orientalists called it emanation: we, Occultists and Theosophists, see in it the only universal and eternal reality casting a periodical reflection of itself on the infinite Spatial depths. This reflection, which you regard as the objective material universe, we consider as a temporary illusion and nothing else. That alone which is eternal is real.

ENQUIRER. At that rate, you and I are also illusions.

THEOSOPHIST. As flitting personalities, to-day one person, to-morrow another -- we are. Would you call the sudden flashes of the Aurora borealis, the Northern lights, a "reality," though it is as real as can be while you look at it? Certainly not; it is the cause that produces it, if permanent and eternal, which is the only reality, while the other is but a passing, illusion.

ENQUIRER. All this does not explain to me how this illusion called the universe originates; how the conscious to be, proceeds to manifest itself from the unconsciousness that is.

THEOSOPHIST. It is unconsciousness only to our finite consciousness. Verily may we paraphrase verse v, in the 1st chapter of St. John, and say "and (Absolute) light (which is darkness) shineth in darkness (which is illusionary material light); and the darkness comprehendeth it not." This absolute light is also absolute and immutable law. Whether by radiation or emanation -- we need not quarrel over terms -- the universe passes out of its homogeneous subjectivity on to the first plane of manifestation, of which planes there are seven, we are taught. With each plane it becomes more dense and material until it reaches this, our plane, on which the only world approximately known and understood in its physical composition by Science, is the planetary or Solar system -- one sui generis, we are told.

ENQUIRER. What do you mean by sui generis?

THEOSOPHIST. I mean that, though the fundamental law and the universal working of laws of Nature are uniform, still our Solar system (like every other such system in the millions of others in Cosmos) and even our Earth, has its own programme of manifestations differing from the respective programmes of all others. We speak of the inhabitants of other planets and imagine that if they are men, i. e., thinking entities, they must be as we are. The fancy of poets and painters and sculptors never fails to represent even the angels as a beautiful copy of man -- plus wings. We say that all this is an error and a delusion; because, if on this little earth alone one finds such a diversity in its flora, fauna and mankind -- from the sea-weed to the cedar of Lebanon, from the jelly-fish to the elephant, from the Bushman and negro to the Apollo Belvedere -- alter the conditions cosmic and planetary, and there must be as a result quite a different flora, fauna and mankind. The same laws will fashion quite a different set of things and beings even on this our plane, including in it all our planets. How much more different then must be external nature in other Solar systems, and how foolish is it to judge of other stars and worlds and human beings by our own, as physical science does!

ENQUIRER. But what are your data for this assertion?

THEOSOPHIST. What science in general will never accept as proof -- the cumulative testimony of an endless series of Seers who have testified to this fact. Their spiritual visions, real explorations by, and through, physical and spiritual senses untrammelled by blind flesh, were systematically checked and compared one with the other, and their nature sifted. All that was not corroborated by unanimous and collective experience was rejected, while that only was recorded as established truth which, in various ages, under different climes, and throughout an untold series of incessant observations, was found to agree and receive constantly further corroboration. The methods used by our scholars and students of the psycho-spiritual sciences do not differ from those of students of the natural and physical sciences, as you may see. Only our fields of research are on two different planes, and our instruments are made by no human hands, for which reason perchance they are only the more reliable. The retorts, accumulators, and microscopes of the chemist and naturalist may get out of order; the telescope and the astronomer's horological instruments may get spoiled; our recording instruments are beyond the influence of weather or the elements.

ENQUIRER. And therefore you have implicit faith in them?

THEOSOPHIST. Faith is a word not to be found in theosophical dictionaries: we say knowledge based, on observation and experience. There is this difference, however, that while the observation and experience of physical science lead the Scientists to about as many "working" hypotheses as there are minds to evolve them, our knowledge consents to add to its lore only those facts which have become undeniable, and which are fully and absolutely demonstrated. We have no two beliefs or hypotheses on the same subject.

ENQUIRER. Is it on such data that you came to accept the strange theories we find in Esoteric Buddhism?

THEOSOPHIST. Just so. These theories may be slightly incorrect in their minor details, and even faulty in their exposition by lay students; they are facts in nature, nevertheless, and come nearer the truth than any scientific hypothesis.

[Philippines, 28 May 2011]


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Thursday, August 11, 2011



Erle Frayne D. Argonza / Ra

Let us continue with the reflections on Theos Sophia or divine wisdom, with focus in this note on the source of the human soul. Popular belief holds the reductionist contention that “all souls came from God.” So we may as well begin our thoughts there, for the sake of simplification.

The process of the emergence of souls—of ensoulment—is complex and very tedious. Going by the laws appurtenant to cosmic evolution or cosmogenesis, the first sparks of the One Universal Principle could be conceived as those divine beings on the 7th plane, nearest to the Godhead, who were pure monad. Then consequently the monadic beings emanated or projected their essences unto the next plane, the 6th plane, thus resulting to ‘oversouls’ (buddhi and Christos are equivalent terms)

The next level of evolutes would be conceived of as group-souls emanating or projected from the higher-order oversouls, thus resulting to collective souls at the 5th plane. It is such souls that were planned at the beginning of history in our manvantara or ‘cycle of lifewave’ to embody down further in the lower dimensions or planes, as the evolutionary law says: to be able to evolve, one must devolve.

Let us note the simplification made by HP Blavatsky on the subject, as the following notes were culled from her book The Key to Theosophy.


ENQUIRER. How, then, do you account for man being endowed with a Spirit and Soul? Whence these?

THEOSOPHIST. From the Universal Soul. Certainly not bestowed by a personal God. Whence the moist element in the jelly-fish? From the Ocean which surrounds it, in which it lives and breathes and has its being, and whither it returns when dissolved.

ENQUIRER. So you reject the teaching that Soul is given, or breathed into man, by God?

THEOSOPHIST. We are obliged to. The "Soul" spoken of in ch. ii. of Genesis (v. 7) is, as therein stated, the "living Soul" or Nephesh (the vital, animal soul) with which God (we say "nature" and immutable law) endows man like every animal. Is not at all the thinking soul or mind; least of all is it the immortal Spirit.

ENQUIRER. Well, let us put it otherwise: is it God who endows man with a human rational Soul and immortal Spirit?

THEOSOPHIST. Again, in the way you put the question, we must object to it. Since we believe in no personal God, how can we believe that he endows man with anything? But granting, for the sake of argument, a God who takes upon himself the risk of creating a new Soul for every new-born baby, all that can be said is that such a God can hardly be regarded as himself endowed with any wisdom or prevision. Certain other difficulties and the impossibility of reconciling this with the claims made for the mercy, justice, equity and omniscience of that God, are so many deadly reefs on which this theological dogma is daily and hourly broken.

[Philippines, 27 May 2011]


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Tuesday, August 9, 2011



Erle Frayne D. Argonza / Ra

Magandang araw! Good day!

As to the applications of the Septenary Law in man, we speak of this in answer to the question of “what constitutes man?” Man here refers to its root meaning as ‘thinking being’ and has nothing to do with the purely masculine element.

For reference purposes, let me quote the following notes from The Key to Theosophy by Helena P. Blavatsky, noble chela of the mahatmas:


(a) Rupa, or Sthula-Sarira // Physical body // Is the vehicle of all the other "principles" during life.

(b) Prana // Life, or Vital principle // Necessary only to a, c, d, and the functions of the lower Manas, which embrace all those limited to the (physical) brain.

(c) Linga Sharira // Astral body // The Double, the phantom body.

(d) Kama rupa // The seat of animal desires and passions // This is the centre of the animal man, where lies the line of demarcation which separates the mortal man from the immortal entity.


(e) Manas -- a dual principle in its functions // Mind, Intelligence: which is the higher human mind, whose light, or radiation links the MONAD, for the lifetime, to the mortal man // The future state and the Karmic destiny of man depend on whether Manas gravitates more downward to Kama rupa, the seat of the animal passions, or upwards to Buddhi, the Spiritual Ego. In the latter case, the higher consciousness of the individual Spiritual aspirations of mind (Manas), assimilating Buddhi, are absorbed by it and form the Ego, which goes into Devachanic bliss.*

(f) Buddhi // The Spiritual Soul // The vehicle of pure universal spirit.

(g) Atma // Spirit // One with the Absolute, as its radiation.

The term atma, which other mystics understand as soul (endowed with spirit), is synonymous to the term alma in Latin which denotes the same. The buddhi seems to have found its moorings in ancient Filipino communities, as the Filipino word budhi, which means conscience, is still in use till these days.

The word prana gave birth to the term ‘pranic healing’, a healing method that addresses the subtle body and involves a non-touch healing. I was trained by my initiating guru FF in pranic healing, which I use primarily to detoxify the aura, induce healing in the wounds of the astral-etheric-mental bodies, and hopefully help balance a person.

[Philippines, 27 May 2011]


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Saturday, August 6, 2011



Erle Frayne D. Argonza / Ra

Magandang araw! Good day!

Deities have befuddled many a devotee across eons. Myths—folk narratives about gods & goddesses—have accumulated across the epochs after the end of the last Glacial Period, which, as studied by anthropologists and folklorists, render deities as a shared phenomenon cutting across all cultures. To be redundant a bit, deities are cross-cultural entities that comprise the cosmogonies of diverse ethnolinguistic groups.

Legends, another set of folk narratives, articulate heroes whose very lives are intertwined with deities’: the latter have created the former to perform special great mission ahead. Myths & legends go together, and are present in all cultures as studied by experts.

I remember those early years of mine as a Christian devotee, when I practically denied the existence of deities save for the Father. After my own studies on folklore and Theos Sophia or divine wisdom that began in college years yet, I was truly clarified about the existence of deities. They do exist, and on Earth alone we have with us Lord Sanat Kumara and three (3) other planetary logoi or kumaras assisting him.

Deity comes from the root word Deus (Latin/Roman) or god. Deus in turn came from the ancient Aryan (Sanskrit) term Dyaus-Pitar or sky-fathers. Jupiter (Latin) is the fusion of the same term Dyaus-Pitar. Theos or divine is synonymous with Deus.

As to their origin, deities were the products of soul evolution processes preceding our present Maha-Kalpa or great cycle of lifewave. Being so highly evolved, their identities were preserved during the previous ‘night of Brahma’ or in-breath of the One Universal Principle. They were re-awakened again during the beginning phase of our present manvantara, and are still evolving spiritually in our own cycle of life.

So vast is Kosmos, so complex a hyper-reality it is, spread out from the highest ‘plane of deities’ down to the lowest physical dimension, that it requires a team of evolved beings to help out in overseeing creation and the operations of the cosmic laws. That is the core rationale for the deities, who were designated their chief tasks as per mandate from the One Universal Principle.

Brahma is deity of the physical universe. He-She overseas cosmogenesis applications in the physical spheres or globes, ensures vehicles of manifestation by collective souls, oversouls, and individual souls across the planes/dimensions, and related tasks.

From the galaxies down through the planetary levels, deities were thus assigned to co-direct cosmogenesis processes—of both objective and subjective worlds—and ensure that the conditions for soul evolution from the mineral up to the super-human states be enabled. A logos for each galaxy assisted by a team of deities, a logos for each solar system assisted by deities, and a logos for each planet assisted by deities. That is to simplify the structural formation process of spiritual governance.

As to Dhyani-Buddhas or Archangels, they too achieved perfection in previous manvantaras, and were sent forth to assist the planetary deities in our own cycle of life. Don’t ever imagine the Lord Michael, for instance, as having been “created” during our cosmic cycle, for He together with the six Archangels assisting Lord Sanat Kumara were perfected previous to our own manvantara.

There are so many hubris materials circulating cybersphere and the reading public today that contend about a recent creation of the archangels we know. One such material is a book on angels writ by a so-called Ariella, who I discovered (per meditation scanning) works for the Evil Masters. Such disinformation readings are channeled messages and are pure lies as per divine wisdom.

As to the loka (location) or universe where the deities reside, Theos Sophia made clear about: the 7th Plane. This is the plane or dimension of deities, an entire universe in itself. Some deities, such as the Earth’s, decided to descend to as low a level as the etheric plane, and reside in a wonderful abode called Shamballah (approximate to Gobi Desert). But note that deities can be in so many locations at the same time, so our own planetary deities can be in Shamballah and higher realms at the same time.

[Philippines, 26 May 2011]


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