Thursday, August 27, 2015



Erle Frayne Argonza y Delago

My old sociology notes have taught me well
Old worlds do pass to give way to new realms
Barely passing away the old world’s womb a-bear
The new world birthing so fresh as a babe

Likewise did I digest the lessons high
From mystic science come forth parallel notes
Of how a planet might be crashed to lows
Till density reached scratch bottom as we are
And then by deeds of benign divinities
Send forth multiple Buddhas gurus saints
Same planet finally moves up back to higher climes
A-born the old world perishes to oblivion’s cask

Fulfilled in tasks the starry souls do now proclaim
The old Earth dies so soon to make its claim
In history writ ‘tis done its role so clear
To give way now to new Earth arising near
Shaken off Earth’s back as lands recast
Turbulent waters washing dirt of older mast
Till past catastrophe as any newborn babe a-pass
The new Earth to nourish new races en masse

As new humanity unveils the virtues o’ jewels
Shall birds and mammals be more tame like sibs
No more will foul zoology nor vegetation be
As all of life forms croon blend in harmony

Arise! New Earth! Go forth to claim your place
In cosmic history seat in Halls of Grandeur
Happy will be Almighty One at last for thy ascent
That lower worlds shall later emulate with honor

[Philippines, 06 May 2010]


The birthing of the New Earth is the subject of planetary ascension theme that is currently the stock of discourse and practices of Terrans. Ordinary folks have their own paradigm to support them about the unfolding new Earth, while Lightworkers and ‘starseeds’ have theirs.

It has been taught to mystics, of which this fellow is one, that the planets do change in configurations across eons. Planets evolve to support life, than eventually die out as life supporter just in time for the humans in them to move over to other planets, than get refreshed after many eons to support life anew. Likewise was it taught to us mystics that the Earth, in the distant future, will evolve into a Sun of sorts. An article of mine on space-mass expansion of Earth across the eons partly provides the frame to explain the phenomenon.

The above is my literary version of those many writings I released about the planetary ascension and the astrophysical principles that explicate the phenomenon. The New Earth will see an end to polarity in collective and individual consciousnesses. The amazing development will be the natural taming of animals, they turning more friendly toward each other and towards people as humans’ polarity will give way to cooperation and synergy.


April 2011

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