Thursday, March 26, 2015



IN FLIGHT (Poem 37)
Erle Frayne D. Argonza

In my flight in the morrows
Pen and tongue I’ll muster
And share with fellows eager
To behold the notes of life
Notes of life that elevate
Them to their dreams’ heights at last.

Hopefully the notes I’ll share
Shall register as permanent memoriam
Ne’er as undeciphered letters written
On sea shores that waves soon wash away.

Allow the notes to linger even just
For a time like writings on granite walls
Even if the walls later choose to dishevel.
For the crux of the code is crucial:
That all men are brothers
Who can live together as One benign
[Writ. 17 Sept. 1987, Univ. of the Philippines, Quezon City, M.Manila.]
A seeker and baktha (devotee) should never be remiss in learning the art and science of the ‘written word’. As the human mind grows, culture becomes more complex and advanced, thus the demand for written products will increase by many folds.
I recall as a mere adolescent that my own linguistic skills were rather lagging behind my science and analytical abilities. But I had the passion to write, and so did I strive very hard to master the written word. I wished to tell so much to fellowmen, wished to leave the imprints of my thoughts and inner wisdom through the written word, so I read voluminously aside from write promiscuously in order to master the written word.
If there is any model to look up to for this passion of mine, it is no there than Dr. Jose Rizal, national hero of my country the Philippines. Dr. Rizal wrote so promiscuously, he kept on communicating his thoughts, feelings, and wisdom through the pen. He left so many writings, that there is so much to write about him long after he was gone. I consider Rizal as my first guru in my country, and I’m so glad he left so many writings that are testaments to his wise teachings.
As a seeker graduates to a mystical Adept, the significance of the pen is even more exacerbated. So learning the pen well while one is still young pays off so much as will seeker can realize later. In today’s context where the internet has become a fact of life, the power of the pen is at its nadir.
April 2011

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