Tuesday, January 13, 2015


Erle Frayne Argonza / Ra

O! Eager artist!
Benign sib of the dusk
Vessel of the spirit of imageries

The dusk—
Is this your fraternal twin
Who reminds you always
Of your noble mission?

You are a speaker
And audio system fused
As one
Before the world

Your absence to many means
A worldless world, lifeless life

The dusk always reminds you
That salads of ideas are
In your mind
Waiting to be revealed
[Writ. 04 June 91, Cubao, Quezon City, M.Manila]

The poem is another of the literary pieces I wrote to underscore the full import of the craftsman or artist in social life. Echoing the higher mysteries of Seven (7) Rays, I mentored to seekers to develop the artist within them, the goal being to build the ‘esthetic intelligence’ in them.
Being an artist myself, I naturally align to higher dimensions during dusk to intuit on truths apperceived as wholes. Dusk till night time is a moment of high productivity for artists and intellectuals/ contemplatives, so it is most fitting to maximize on such moments for creative outputs.
Morning is also a nice time for productive pursuits, but I noticed that I often than not exhibit the ‘morning sickness’ at this time of the day. But not at past 4 pm till around 9 pm, and I can go on till midnight save that I must cease from work so as to pray and meditate for an hour.
Being so used to the importance of esthetics, any evolved soul would easily feel the dreariness of a surround in the absence of it. I do feel the unease when I am in a ghetto area or depressed urban community, where my nose could suddenly drip ceaselessly as my aura gets pulped by the dense environ and my sinus swollen inexplicably. All I need to do is withdraw from the community the quickest, and get back my balance couples of hours later.
Esthetics reinforces the harmonics in any community, so I recommend seekers to reside in an ecologically balanced and esthetically regenerative neighborhood. 


April 2011

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