Friday, October 18, 2013



Erle Frayne D. Argonza / Ra

One more version of this theme may be given, in this instance from Java. A poor widow found in the forest an infant that had been abandoned and left at the foot of a tree, and in pity she took the child home with her, bringing it up as her own. The boy developed into a keen hunter and used to wander in the forest with his blowgun in search of birds, until one day he saw a very lovely one at which he shot and shot in vain. He followed it far into the jungle, and at last, losing sight of it entirely, he found himself on the margin of a beautiful pool, to which, as he looked, he saw a number of heavenly maidens flying down to bathe. From his hiding-place he beheld them lay aside their wings and enter the water, when he quietly reached out, and possessing himself of one pair, made a slight noise. At this alarm the bathers took fright, and hastening out of the water, seized their garments and flew away, — one, however, being unable to escape because the youth had possession of her wings. She begged him to return them; but he refused, saying that he would give her other garments if she would agree to be his wife; and being forced to assent to this proposal, she accompanied him to his home. One day she went to the river to wash clothes and left her husband to mind the kettle in which the rice was cooking, warning him on no account to take off the cover of the pot or to look within. After she had gone, he could not overcome his curiosity to see what it was she did not wish him to observe, his inquisitiveness being especially keen since she had always been able to provide abundant meals although he had given her only one measure of rice. Accordingly he raised the lid, but saw nothing in the pot except boiling water and a single grain of rice; and so, replacing the cover, he awaited his wife's return. When she came, she hurried to the pot and looked in, only to find the single grain of rice, since the magic power by which she had hitherto been able to produce food miraculously had been destroyed by her husband's curiosity. This, of course, made her angry, because henceforth she was obliged to labour and to prepare rice for every meal in the usual manner. The store of rice in the bin now rapidly decreased, and one day, when she came to the bottom, she found her magic garment which her husband had hidden there. On his return she informed him that she must now go back to the sky, though she said that she would leave with him their child, which was still but young, and told him that whenever the baby cried, he was to climb up, place it on the roof, and burn a stalk of rice below, and that then she would descend to give her daughter food. When she had said this, she took a stalk of rice, lit it, and rose up to the sky in its smoke. The sorrowing husband followed her commands, and the child grew up to be as beautiful as her mother.
This is another version of a lore whose theme of ‘maidens from above’ who later intermarried with ‘humans below’ cuts across ethnic groups. In this version, it is already shown that the humans of Earth have evolved to more dense forms, ready for next stages of human development. The signifier for the techno-economic engagements then prevailing was the hunting & gathering phase, with ‘blowgun’ archetype to emphasize that epoch.
The ethnic group identified was just in its ‘infantile’ phase of development, as signified by the ‘infant abandoned in a forest’. A parent pedigree involved in its making is suggested by the lore, that pedigree later abandoning its ‘child’ ethnicity. That is an embed of a possible fact that certain extra-terrestrial breeders neglected their own offspring breed.
Fortunately, that ethnic community was to encounter a breed of visiting extra-terrestrials of higher dimension root (signified by the maidens). These visitors, possibly among the ‘solar pitris’ who aided in improving the 3rd ‘root race’ of  Lemurians, possessed high knowledge inclusive of alchemy.
The visitors could actually teleport to their source, notably their interdimensional vehicles, as the myth suggests. Installing a stalk or rice atop a home is an indication of installing homing devices to contact source vehicles or starships. ‘Smoke’ in some occult circles is signifier for etheric substance.
[Philippines, 29 June 2011]




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