Friday, August 16, 2013


Erle Frayne D. Argonza

Origin -  Bagobo (Mindanao)

In the beginning there lived one man and one woman, Toglai and Toglibon. Their first children were a boy and a girl. When they were old enough, the boy and the girl went far away across the waters seeking a good place to live in. Nothing more was heard of them until their children, the Spaniards and Americans, came back. After the first boy and girl left, other children were born to the couple; but they all remained at Cibolan on Mount Apo with their parents, until Toglai and Toglibon died and became spirits. Soon after that there came a great drought which lasted for three years. All the waters dried up, so that there were no rivers, and no plants could live.
"Surely," said the people, "Manama is punishing us, and we must go elsewhere to find food and a place to dwell in."
So they started out. Two went in the direction of the sunset, carrying with them stones from Cibolan River. After a long journey they reached a place where were broad fields of cogon grass and an abundance of water, and there they made their home. Their children still live in that place and are called Magindanau, because of the stones which the couple carried when they left Cibolan.
Two children of Toglai and Toglibon went to the south, seeking a home, and they carried with them women's baskets (baraan). When they found a good spot, they settled down. Their descendants, still dwelling at that place, are called Baraan or Bilaan, because of the women's baskets.
So two by two the children of the first couple left the land of their birth. In the place where each settled a new people developed, and thus it came about that all the tribes in the world received their names from things that the people carried out of Cibolan, or from the places where they settled.
All the children left Mount Apo save two (a boy and a girl), whom hunger and thirst had made too weak to travel. One day when they were about to die the boy crawled out to the field to see if there was one living thing, and to his surprise he found a stalk of sugarcane growing lustily. He eagerly cut it, and enough water came out to refresh him and his sister until the rains came. Because of this, their children are called Bagobo.
The narrative already begins with the time of the mid-Lemurian races when sexual procreation became the mode or reproducing humans. This was the first over-arching context of twinflame soul aspects that would search for each other as husband and wife in the physical plane.
Toglia & Toglibon are the equivalents of the Adam & Eve in Semitic mythos. Adam was another version for Edoma or Adoma, that subcontinent of Mu where sexed humans first appeared. Toglia & Toglibon bore a ‘girl & boy’ who migrated to other lands across the vast sea (ocean) and birthed other races—signifies the next sub-races that gave birth to the subsequent ‘root-races’ of Atlanteans and Caucasian Aryans.
Toglia & Toglibon bore many other children signifies the evolution of other sub-races and constituent racial families of Lemurians and onwards to their offshoot races of Malays who were among the last Lemuro-Atlanteans in the 4th ‘root race’ eons.
‘Their children, the Spaniards and Americans, came back’ is as factual as it is: Caucasian Aryans evolved at a latter historical epoch, even as the term ‘Aryan’ has come to generically refer to the present ‘root race’. Scions of the 4th ‘root races’ have become Aryanized in psyche, which stresses the development of the mental or 3rd body faculties.
Thus genealogically, the Lemurians/Mu gave birth to the Atlanteans, as the Atlanteans in turn bred the Aryans among whose racial families are the Indo-Europeans. The Kelts were among the last sub-races of Atlantis, and thus the first of the Aryans, among whose tribes were the Iberians (Spaniards were Iberians). The Teutons were among the mid-to-latter Aryan races, among whose scions were the AngloSaxons (Americans included).
[Philippines, 23 June 2011]




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