Friday, September 26, 2014


Erle Frayne Argonza / Ra

Welcome, Prometheus!
Descend upon the pillars and corridors of Academia!
Have your merriment and feasts among
The expectant adherents of your holy fire.
Illuminate the residents of Academia with your
Undying light: mana of reason and knowledge.
Awaken us to the flowering consciousness of the knower
As your light fires up the longing lamps of us all.
Remain! Linger on! Let your sacred essence be
Of the inherited Elixir of our triumphant march
Along Life’s trek!
Happy at last will be Zeus over our sublime fraternity.
[Writ. 11 November 1988, Proj. 8, Quezon City, M.Manila]


‘Prometheus in academia’ signifies the mystic who, though still challenged to rise above the surplus Desire (signified by Prometheus tied on a rock, continuously consumed by a vulture), chooses to base in the academe. Many of us would-be White Robes did choose this platform for spreading higher Light, an experience that I found very fulfilling.

When I was still actively teaching at the University of the Philippines (old Manila campus), I met another mystic there, Prof Piwi Aragon. I was so glad that we were both teaching for the same department (social sciences). Glad all the more as I found out that other faculty members were seekers, and altogether we enriched our library with esoteric books, mentored students in the Teaching, and spoke on prophecy right inside the university on certain occasions.

In 2008, I ascended spiritually, finally transcending the ‘Promethean phase’ of my initiation. Looking back, the teaching profession actually taught me a lot about how to become a guru, and I needed that very much in as much as I was a great warrior in past lives who just wasn’t keen on mentoring the way a professor and guru does. The academe was my training ground to teach well, to practice flexibility in handling seekers of diverse psyche (personality).

Now, as to Zeus, in case some seekers still aren’t knowledgeable about the matter, Zeus signifies the Dyaus-Pitar or ‘sky fathers’ of antiquity. They were the Solar Pitris who were called forth to help evolve humans that we know today, for as Blavatsky cogitated, nature alone cannot breed humans. Beings of higher awareness must be involved in the creation of human species. The Solar Pitris were preceded by the Lunar Pitris, who were the creator fathers of the primordial Pangean races.


March 2011

Thursday, September 18, 2014


Erle Frayne Argonza / Ra

Whenever the day starts I knock
Upon the doors of Life to request extensions
Of my lease to exist. Not that I
Will be merry forever notwithstanding fears
Tensions and anxieties that arise
In my here-and-now; I’m simply unsure
Of what may be up for me. Well, Life
Responded as always—cheerful, lighthearted,
Contagiously optimistic. I’d catch its air
Of glittering hope, daunting spirit,
Its elan of all elan. The I’d say too,
“Life, please do share unto others what you’re
Offered to me.” “Thy will be done” said Life.
Thy will be done. Done will be
Hope’s cremation of every unwanted carcass
Of Obscurity: faith in self regained.
[Writ. 21 October 1988, Proj. 8, Quezon City, M.Manila]

Hopelessness, alienation, despair are the common affective theme of the day. Such a hopelessness, saps one’s own will-to-ascend, lead to further fragmentation and disorder, nay leave to self-annihilation through drug addiction and suicide. But not all people on Terra today are the harbingers of hopelessness, as many yet are those positive humans who are exemplars of hope, optimism, enlightened will.
I do recall that on the previous year before I wrote the poem, I began to read the 3-volume books of Ernst Bloch titled The Principle of Hope. Though steeped in Marx-Freud perspective, I easily saw the mystical undertones of Bloch’s thought, making him unmistakably a spiritual seeker. Seeking to explicate millenarian movements through the ‘principle of hope’, I found myself resonating easily with his thought constructs. I recommend seekers to read Bloch in fact, as part of the sharpening of tools for social knowledge.
Will hopeless, despair, fragmentation last much longer than it already did (for innumerable eons)? Comes post-2012 scenario, the condition of hope, optimism, psyche integration will become a full-blossomed reality. Light will permeate every interstice of the planet and of social spaces, permeating deep into the psyche (lower self) and soul (higher self), thus ensuring healing, wellness, ecological balance.
With the full return of hope and correlate principles—of will, love, enlightened power—shall galvanize the greater condition or ground for preparing mankind for the next phase in the evolutionary leap. Thus will mankind be brought closer and closer to the Father-Mother across the epochs yet coming.

March 2011

Friday, September 12, 2014


Erle Frayne Argonza / Ra

Land of ours! You’re bent on reminding
Us anew: that our Sentinels again
Will rob us clear of our well-earned
Civil rights and arrogate for themselves
All powers of government.
So what? Yes, so what?
Will democracy become so weary
As to naively recline upon coal embers
That are our Sentinels’ hearts?
Has democracy anyway flowered
Into full bloom in your soil as to assure
Your history’s place in the citadels
Of human grandeur?

Land of ours! Relay these utterances
To the vanguards of treachery:
Democracy is verily like a fruit
That has ripened in the beings
Of the workingmen in shops and farms:
A dazzling show twill manifest
As it finally blooms to maturity
And edifices of fascistic greed twill
Burn down to remain as ashes forever
A signal to all humanity of your
Patriots’ repute as victors and
You: a bastion of freedom bearers.
[Writ. 13 October 1988, Proj. 8, Quezon City, M.Manila]

Governance has come a long way since the first races of humans. We have shifted from kingship to republics, with experimentations on them done in classical Greece (democracy) and Rome (republic). Kingships that remained were to gel with republican democracies, with monarchs performing ceremonial powers and elected politicians mandated with executive powers.
Very imperfect is our democracy though. We continue to experience military coups in certain countries, while those of Western democracies are actually plutocracies. In reality, oligarchs are in power in Terra today, particularly the financier oligarchs who call the shots in national governance and are now planning to install global governance under their control.
That will all change post-2012, as we will see a full blossoming of republican democracies. Councils will be governing cities, regions, and the planetary state, with a World Leader Avatar serving as chief-of-state of the planetary government. Earth will thus be governed by enlightened beings, with Melchizedeks assigned to each city to serve as spiritual gatekeeper (they will be giving blessings to newly elected council leaders).  
As I’ve revealed in some previous articles, the structural framework of the future world and region-level governments are now in place. Gatekeeper councils have been operating in the etheric plane, each one led by a Master. The Gatekeepers of each council report directly to a larger body which is akin to the UN’s general assembly. Definitely, the Spiritua Hierarchy is very much prepared for future governance as of today.


March 2011

Wednesday, September 3, 2014


Erle Frayne Argonza / Ra

It’s true the Sun will lay to rest
On the day’s end after his toil
And give way to the nighttime hours
When ravagers despoil amid our slumbers
But sure enough the morning comes
And Sun radiates our Land anew
Each smile he sports enervates our longings
For better times of wealth and wellbeing
He never tires to shed us rays of care
He never retreats without sharing heraldries
Of what our strivings will bring forth
A sturdier and well esteemed commonwealth
He shall ever be there when we need him
A kin indeed our light of liberty
[Writ. 07 October 1988, Proj. 8, Quezon City, M.Manila]

My poetic lines signify the optimistic side to the sun or Sol. I have always regarded Sol in a very positive light, despite the hours of the day when the sun’s rays could be burning hot. I’ve been experiencing this a long time, being a habituĂ© of the tropics (the Philippines is just a few degrees latitude north of the equator).

The hot hours of the sun are largely the result of Terra’s descent to 3rd dimension. Across the eons, Sol had understandably underwent changes, which could have further exacerbated the searing heat that we feel here on Terra during hot days. When Terra was still 5th dimensional, the atmosphere was filled with mist the whole day, mist that served as canopy for mankind, rendering Sol truly very friendly indeed.
As soon as Terra returns to higher dimension, climate conditions will radically change toward greater stability. Sol will become even friendlier, and we will feel and receive the greatest benefits ever from Him (I’d say Him in honor of Lord Helios who is the Solar Logos), inclusive of widespread use of solar energy for diverse purposes. Perhaps the day-long mist—that can turn to fog at times—will come back, which not only serves as canopy but as source of water for us (our pores will breath again like before, and water can come in through them).
The Lord Helios and His consort Lady Vesta are Ascended Masters of the highest caliber, and are indeed our kins. They have attained Christhood too many eons have passed, and will always be recognized for their very sublime feats for the entire civilization we can dub as Solar Civilization. Meditating on the honorable Logoi and thanking them for their undying care will be most welcome.
March 2011
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